Friday, August 31, 2012

Proj 1 update

The project is coming along smoothly with the ideas trickling in, trying to get it simple and lean. The only real challenge or problem is getting all the text to fit probably and look good which just trial and error and defiantly leaning towards the gas mask idea with a texture in the background. now just have to figure out what font(s) to use. Now a day in the life of Carlton banks.

music flyer pt.3

This is a typical $2,no 50 cent no 25 cent piece of cheap flyer. Its fine if you want to go black and white but don't put white on white. And the image is fine but it almost looks like they got it off the internet with that white box around it and there no date so i have no idea when this is. Also the text on the left side probably should be more on the top, sine it seems like it is important.

Music flyer pt.2

This is an interesting that incorporates both vertical and horizontal text. While i do like the simplicity of the flyer. The fact the all the text is cut off is annoying and that is find for the bands but they should have left it at that and not have the title cut off as well and give the text more space because everything is on the edge.I do like the date in the middle though. The text is fine but the music seems a little large and doesn't fit in there and looks a little sloppy.

Music flyer pt.1

This flyer for a benefit concert is a pretty neat flyer. Though i don't think i would use that broken font for everything since it kind of ruins it and doesn't separate the important info and the smaller the font the harder it is to read. The little pic box(red and yellow) looks like it doesnt belong but the roboton the right side is a nice and creates some visual interest. I also would have used that orange for the venue since it kind of weird to have all white text and one orange text.