Wednesday, November 28, 2012

typography reflection

I have really enjoyed this class and the projects we have done and how they each were different and focused on different elements. I very happy with how i have done in this class and the projects that i have done and how i was able to put my own touches on it and excited to take what i have learned and experienced in this class into the future as typography is an essential element and skill needed in any type of design and can make or break something whether it is a poster, site, cover, type and all of its components like hierarchy, size, weight, etc.are very important.

proj.4 update/thoughts

finishing up the project and i am liking how it turned out especially after the spacing is fixed and is lined up. it looks good and fits and flows together when put side to side and the fonts are real nice especially the market deco font. The contrast of black and white pages worked out well. Overall the project has turned out nicely and the important stuff like font choice and hierarchy, and spacing is good. Now just have to hang in there till the end of the semester like woody.

movie poster pt.5

This is one of the posters for the excellent movie Skyfall. It has the classic looking down the barrel of the gun image that is iconic with James bond an 007 walking down it and it fits sense the movie does go back to the basics of early 007 films while going to places James bond hasn't gone before The font and spacing is nice and the Daniel Craig is the right size in on the poster and he isn't too big or small in the pic and gives it nice depth and proportion. Also the gold colored 007 logo is a nice touch reflecting the 50th anniversary of James bond on the big screen.

movie poster pt.4

I haven't seen the movie but the posters for it are pretty cool including this one. Obliviously the image is really cool and mind blowing and all that good stuff that makes you stop and look at it. The font for inception is nice but it is a little too transparent and can be hard to see, so i would beef up the visibility a bit. The other font's are pretty good too and fit with the inception font.

movie poster pt.3

This poster for the decent film i,robot is alright, it's not great or going to blow you away but its not bad either, like the film it's somewhere in the middle. The font is okay but the I does brother because it is really fat compared to the rest. The image is fine but i would move the will smith text somewhere else or not have it all because we all know that is the fresh prince. Also i would movie the i, robot stuff a little higher.

movie poster pt.2

This is a neat poster for the decent nic cage movie Lord of war. The fonts are fine, there not going to blow you away but they do fit and are effective, though i'm not the b is biggest fan of the color choice it but it isn't a deal breaker. The image itslef is really cool with nic cage being made of bullet shells and the shading and depth is pretty good and from experience, i know that can be a challenge.

Movie poster pt.1

I never saw the movie put this poster is pretty bad ass. The font choice is fine and is what you'd expect from a terminator movie. The spacing is pretty good but you could play around with it a little more like moving it down a little but it's just a nip picking. The image of course is really cool and how the sky view of the area is the head of the sick looking robot. Overall a nice poster.